Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Light Bulb and the Toilet Bowl

Lex brought his home from seminary this week - I LOVE IT!!!

The Light Bult and the Toilet Bowl

Have you ever tried to flush a light bulb down the toilet? Well, take it from me, it is impossible to flush a light bulb down the toilet.


Simply because it floats. The only way a light bult ever sinks is if it cracks and takes on water.

Life is much like a light bulb in a toilet bowl. We are confronted with many, money, politics, relationships, injustice, tragedies, ill health, and so much more.

We must endure trials as a light bulb in a toilet bowl by floating above all the turbulence and crap that is dumped on us. The only way we (as a light bulb) will ever sink is if we allow ourselves to crack and take upon ourselves the unpleasant, negative effects of the elements and conditions around us.

So, in these chaotic times.....Let your light shine.....and don't get flushed!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Idea

Idea submitted by Janice Rawe:

Take your holiday story books and wrap each one individually. Put them under the tree. During each night in December, let your kids take turns selecting one book and opening it. Read the story as a family before bedtime.

On Christmas Eve, there is a special package. It is the Bible. Unwrap it and read the Christmas story from the book of Luke.