Friday, August 13, 2010

Farewell to Oliver

After my flight landed from Atlanta, the phone rang with a frantic set of children on the other end. We had three small visitors at our home. The boys LOVE the guinea pig and wanted to feed him carrots. They all went into Megan's room to get Oliver ... and came out yelling a minute later ... "HE'S NOT MOVING!!!"

The first thought I have is guilt for exposing the little visitors to the death of the pet. I told the kids to close the bedroom door and I was on my way.
Here is the part where I witnessed another shining example of the difference between boys and girls!!
I walked in the door to Megan ...
*He's DEAD!!!
*Did you feed him why we were in Florida?
*I should have never left him here.
*What are we going to do?
*This is the worst day ever!
Ben said, "Can I touch it?" So not a moment to laugh, but how could you not? Boys are so matter of fact!
Megan is pretty set on having a funeral on Sunday. We are going to make a little grave marker, have flowers and all say our favorite things about Oliver. This ought to be interesting ... Rachel can't even listen to her planning the funeral without having to leave the room. Stay tuned ...


SmithFamily said...

Oh no! You will have to fill us in on what you did for the funeral.