Thursday, October 16, 2008

Halloween Games

I've been looking for some new Halloween games - any ideas?  Here is what I have so far:

MUMMY WRAP - Divide group into teams of 3 to 6.  Each team has to wrap one team member from head to toe in toilet paper (leave a breathing hole).  Prize is awarded for the best "mummy" - fully covered, no holes, etc.  If the kids are older, you can put a time limit on the game to make it harder.

PING-PONG PUMPKIN TOSS - Form teams of two.  One child from each team will hold the plastic pumpkin for their team.  The kids take turns tossing the ping-pong balls into the pumpkin.  The team with the highest number of balls inside the pumpkin wins.

DOUGHNUT FUN - Suspend one doughnut for each child from a tree branch.  If you have larger groups, run the game in groups of three and then have a final contest with the winner from each group.  Each child has to hold their hands behind their backs.  The winner is the person who finishes eating the doughnut first - remember, no hands!!