Thursday, May 26, 2011

Get Ready To Rumble

In general, I am pretty regularly pleased with my girls and the women they are becoming ..
but there are moments when they really shine!!

Both went to school early to help with the distribution of yearbooks.
I'm sure it was a fast-paced, elevated stress level hour of fun.
One of the students who came up splits her time and spends part of the day in the special education center.
Her name wasn't on the list to receive a yearbook.
She got a little agitated because she was convinced her Mom had paid for a yearbook.
The teacher got irritated with her and told her to move on, she wasn't getting a yearbook if she wasn't on the list.
This resulted in a louder and more agitated conversation.
Rach went over to talk to her .. she knew the girl and had made friends with her earlier in the year.

We're not going to get into how this occurred .. because some days I am just nuts and everyone knows it.
I double ordered the yearbooks, so Rach had two.
She asked the teacher for a Sharpie so she could blacken in her own name and give the girl the extra yearbook.
The teacher refused .. basically saying that the girl could go home and work it out with her mom.
This is about the time when Rach starts getting louder.
She broke out her wallet and said she would then pay for a new one.
Bottom line, the teacher lost it.
She told Rach to mind her own business that the girl doesn't know what she's talking about and wouldn't remember the yearbook come tomorrow anyway.

As I'm hearing the story later, I have to admit, this is the point where my heart started to race a bit.
I had visions of Rachel cold-cocking the teacher or completely losing it.
Thankfully, the school nurse came over.  She knows Rach from church and the other girl quite well.
Putting her arms around them both, she asked the teacher to step back.
Rach got a hug.
The girl called her mom and verified the purchase info.
Sure enough, the teacher had made a mistake.

8 hours later .. Rach still can't tell the story without getting emotional.
Being the adult that I am .. I'm thinking about things that involve eggs or tons of glitter.
We will never be accused of keeping quiet or handling these situations with grace.
We will get emotional and passionately defend against insensitive actions such as these.
I don't regularly condone disrespectful speaking to teachers ..
However, in this case, I couldn't be happier with Rach's fearlessness.


Beth Ann said...

anytime your ready to rumble with this teacher, keep my number on speed dial...nobody, and I mean NOBODY messes with our rachel!? Especially when she is trying to do something noble and be the 'friend to all' that I know she is! Couldn't be more proud of this Young Woman!