Monday, November 10, 2008

Moving Day

Okay, we're not really moving. However, they did realign our ward boundaries and we are among the 10-12 families that have been bumped to the other ward. It took us MONTHS to get over the move to Texas and into the new ward. My girls had a rough day yesterday.....with thoughts of having to make new friends and start over. Needless to say, I don't think we could be one of those families who move every two years. We like structure and consistancy WAY TOO MUCH!! Any ideas?


Garrett Gang said...

We ARE one of those families who move a lot. My kids have learned that it's a blessing because they get to know & love people wherever we go. Now they have people they LOVE in 5 different cities!

It's still hard every time, but has gotten easier with each move.

DON'T GET ME WRONG: I am looking forward to planting our family SOON!!!