Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving back during the holidays

We are always looking for experiences where my girls can give back. I saw this one the other day and thought it was really cool:

"On Thanksgiving, our family decides on a set amount of money to put aside, then we secretly spend it in a random, kindhearted way. Each of us has until Christmas Eve to complete the task. Then, we get together as a family and reveal what we did to the rest of the family."

The author returned to the nursing home where her Grandfather had spent the last years of his life and gave small gifts to the residents who didn't have families. Her Grandmother was thrilled on Christmas to learn of her random act of kindness.

I'm not sure what we're going to do this year - I'll keep you posted!!


Sheree Henderson said...

I know here locally the food banks are really short on holiday foods due to the economy which has increased the demand. . .turkeys, stuffing, things like that. Yesterday I took my kids down to our foodbank and donated a turkey. The people there were very grateful and asked us to spread the word for further donations. They had requests for 4,700 Thanksgiving/Christmas meals this year!