Monday, November 24, 2008

Singingtime Fun

This works great at church, preschool, normal school choir - anywhere you have kids under the age of 12 who are singing!

Bubble-Blowing Billy
Take a full size poster board and draw a cute face and draw the mouth like he is whistling or blowing kisses. Cut a hole in the center of the mouth. Have another adult stand behind the poster board and put a balloon through the hole in the mouth. Tell the kids that the size of the bubble Billy blows will depend upon how well they sing. As the song is louder and the words are clear, the bubble grows. The kids will not see the adult, they will just see the cute face on the poster board with a bubble coming out of his mouth.

For older kids, you can blow the bubble until it pops. Cool factor for you.....and the kids get a big kick out of the loud pop!