So, I have a dilemma ...
I ordered a necklace for myself
I got necklaces for each of my girls and gave them a challenge to find someone to give the second necklace to.
I honestly read the weekly challenges and look for opportunities to bring a little sunshine into the lives of others.
Now, Miss Ashley wants me to share ...
The letter I wrote to my girls about this project
The story of each person they gave a necklace to and how it turned out
Specific things we do during the week to SHINE.
I'm not sure Miss Ashley got the memo ...
I really don't talk about this kind of stuff .. it makes me feel awkward.
I work behind the scenes .. nice and quiet .. without a spotlight.
Frankly, there are people in my ward that I would never want to be assigned as their Visiting Teacher because I would never want anything I do for them to fall under an "obligation" umbrella.
I love doing things for others and I never feel closer to the Lord than in those moments.
Miss Ashley says that sharing helps to inspire others.
I say that sharing takes away from the moment .. and makes me feel like my motivations are now about being recognized ... and not just about spreading a little sunshine.