Friday, May 20, 2011

Flashback Fridays

A friend asked me the other day if I have ever done the GlamourShots thing ...
I tried to nonchalantly act like I didn't hear her
Oh, wait .. did you say something?

Then I tried to act like I wasn't really sure what it was
In the end, there was nothing really left to do but come clean
Yes .. yes I have.

So, the girl who has been known to color her own hair in a hotel room on a business trip
And who generally appears to not really care about this kind of "stuff"
Played barbie doll one afternoon
It was kind of "the thing" to do back in the early 90s.

Hey .. My mom was there too!
Now I remember, it was all her idea!!

Truthfully, it is good to have those moments when you can look back
even if it is twenty years ago
smiling to yourself
and think ...
I did not look half bad that day!!


Beth Ann said...

'half-bad'?! I would say half-way to 'hot mama' (without actually being a mom yet!!) These completely made my weekend! Thanks for posting them!