Monday, May 30, 2011

The Price of Freedom ... and Winnie the Pooh

Due to my work, I end up in an airport pretty frequently.  Rarely do I fly out of Dallas that I don't see several groups of soldiers.  One group caught my eye .. actually, it was one soldier that grabbed my attention.  He was tall!  I would say at least six foot five or six and really cute.  You could tell by watching them.....they were on their way out, not coming home.  I watched this group of men and thought for a few minutes about the sacrifices they make every day on our behalf.

The group turned to walk towards their gate.  As the cute one turned around, I saw his backpack for the first time.  Peeking out the top, was a ratty Winnie the Pooh.  It looked to me like a gift from a little one who was at home.   He took a couple of steps away from the group to answer his cell phone.  As he leaned against the wall, I watched him slowly sink to the floor and start to cry.  My best guess.....the person on the phone was the same one who had stuffed that Winnie the Pooh into his backpack that morning.

I have always had an incredible amount of respect for our armed forces.  I could never do what they do!  Typically, I think about the physical aspects of their job.  However, in that moment, I learned a lesson from an old ratty Winnie the Pooh.  Perhaps their greatest sacrifice is in being able to walk out that door to catch a flight ... not knowing when or if you will be coming home ... or if you do make it home will you be in the same condition ... worried about the family you left behind ...  praying that they will be kept safe while you are gone and knowing that they will be praying for you as well.  What a lesson in faith and commitment!

It takes great courage to step outside of our comfort zone and stand up for what we believe in.  Way too often, we complain about what is wrong in our family, community, country, and the world.  Do we take steps to do something about it?  

Today, I am grateful for the men and women who take a step every day to defend their beliefs and their country .. and thereby keeping me and my family safe.